Saturday, February 21, 2009

Walk the Weight Away or Diabetes

Walk the Weight Away!: The Easiest Weight-Loss Plan Ever!

Author: Andrew Flach

Walk the Weight Away! is an innovative, workbook-based exercise, nutrition, and healthy living plan that's designed to get you off the couch and out the door—and loving it! Walk the Weight Away! eases you into a healthier lifestyle by combining stretching, walking, and light weight training exercises with healthy eating tips and tasty recipes.Walk the Weight Away! is designed specifically for people who might find traditional weight loss and fitness programs daunting. Each day of the program has its own workbook page, with everything from a food diary with delicious nutritional menu suggestions to training tips and motivational quotes. More importantly, the workbook pages are designed to keep you on track, with a checklist of daily stretches and exercises and space to write future goals. With each day¼s workout specifically outlined, it¼s easy to stay with the program and see real results. At the same time, the flexibility of the workouts, with options for those who want to measure their progress by time, distance, or steps taken, means that you choose an approach that feels the best to you. Walk the Weight Away! includes:
• An innovative day-by-day journal to mark your progress every step of the way
• An eight-week walking program to get you on the path to your best body
• A daily nutrition plan designed to balance your intake—with dozens of mouth-watering recipes that will satisfy your appetite
• A powerful strength training routine that takes just minutes a day
• Daily quotes to provide motivation and thoughtful encouragement Because walking is the most natural of exercises, something we've been doing ever since we were toddlers, it appeals to everyone, even those who do not see themselves as athletic. Even better, it¼s free: to start a walking program, you don't have to join a gym or buy special equipment. In fact, all you need to experience the health benefits of walking is the motivation to get up and do it. And with the unique Walk the Weight Away! eight-week workbook plan, starting a fitness program—and sticking to it—has never been easier. Whether a person is thinking of starting a fitness program for weight loss, general health, or just to boost their energy and activity level, Walk the Weight Away! promises to inspire and motivate like no program before. A great journey begins with a single step—in this case, a journey to a healthier life! 50 b/w photos.

Author Biography: RoseMarie Alfieri is certified by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) and holds a Master of Arts degree in Health Education. She has written for scores of magazines and is co-author of Combat Fat! Andrew Flach is certified by the American Council on Exercise (ACE). An expert on weight management and exercise, his work has been featured on National Public Radio and in hundreds of newspapers across the country. He is the co-author of Combat Fat! and other popular titles on diet and exercise.

Books about: Chemical Sensitivity or Breathing

Diabetes: Prevention and Care

Author: C Leigh Broadhurst

A geochemist offers an "Evolutionary Diet Plan" as a solution to the modern epidemic of diabetes. By learning to eat like our hunter-gatherer forebears, she says, we can return to a healthier, more natural nutritional balance.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Personal Fitness or Comfort of Home Parkinson Disease

Personal Fitness: Connect to Your Inner Strength and Stamina Through Personal Fitness

Author: Simon Frost

FlowmotionT is a breakthrough technique, the newest, greatest way of teaching a sport, fitness routine, dance, or any kind of physical activity! Unless you've got a private teacher standing right with you, it just doesn't get any better than these revolutionary guides. Picture this: strobe-like, wide-format photographs-created by cutting-edge digital technology-that fluidly capture entire movement sequences with key stages highlighted. It's as if you were watching a video. Underneath the pictures, captions provide even more directions. There's nothing else like it anywhere!

Create a personalized training program to complement your lifestyle and fitness level.

Book review: Perla Meyers Art of Seasonal Cooking or Feed a Crowd Southern Cook Book

Comfort of Home Parkinson Disease: A Guide for Parkinson Disease Caregivers

Author: Maria M Meyer

This comprehensive guide to the day-to-day issues confronted by Parkinson disease patients and their caregivers covers every caregiving stage.It's all here in an illustrated, easy-to-read format, including the decision to provide home care, preparing the home, assisting with daily activities, financial management, and strategies for avoiding caregiver burnout. This guide also includes information on the specific issues that PD patients and caregivers face, as well as tips on purchasing equipment, travel, therapies, loss of motor skills, and communicating effectively with physicians.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The AARP Guide to Pills or Cuerpo Mente y Espiritu

The AARP Guide to Pills: Essential Information on More Than 1,200 Prescription & Nonprescription Medications, Including Generics

Author: AARP

Mid-life and older Americans look first to AARP as a trusted source of the vital information that will improve their lives. Month to month and year to year, the association's 36 million members read and rely upon its magazines, its newspapers, its book-publishing division, and its website ( When AARP says something, they know you can take that information to the bank. That's why book buyers will turn to this lavish manual for answers to their questions about life-saving-and life-enhancing-medications. The AARP Guide to Pills has been assembled with the same degree of care and concern for accuracy and ease of use that distinguishes every product that bears the AARP brand. That rigorous quality control will likewise distinguish the pill guide from the competition.
It's the most outstanding and up-to-date guide to pills and medications ever published. The only one of its kind in full color, The AARP Guide to Pills addresses the needs and concerns of 50+ adults in incredible depth. To simplify the process of finding information about a certain drug, generic drugs are presented in a logical A-to-Z organization, with a comprehensive index that includes cross-references to related brand-name drugs. All information has been vetted by a board of content specialists, including an expert from the University of Southern California's School of Gerontology, considered the finest in the United States.
Each entry also features a detailed, color-correct image of the pill or capsule for identification purposes, along with details on its generic name, brand name, and manufacturer; a listing of what a health-care provider should know about the condition of anyonetaking the medication; advice on what to do if you miss a dose; warnings on interactions with other drugs; and notes on potential side effects to look out for.
In their foreword and introduction, Harvard-trained doctors Jerry Avorn and Bill Thomas provide clear and comprehensive guidance on the wise use of prescription medications; how to effectively manage your drug costs; how to prepare for and derive maximum benefit from each doctor's visit; how to talk to your physician and pharmacist; how to avoid "polypharmacy," or overmedication; and why the appearance of generic pills can change from one prescription refill to the next.
This is a must-have book for anyone 50+ and younger.

Why THIS pill book?
*Each entry includes a color-correct image of the medication-unlike most books that include the images in a separate section
*Over 1,200 color images of pills-more than any other book on the market-make identifying medications easy and minimize the risk of error...whether brand name or generic
*A bulleted list tells you what your health-care professional needs to know before you start taking a specific drug
*Important details about how and when to take a drug for maximum effectiveness
*A separate section explains exactly what to do if you miss a dose
*Content updated at press time to guarantee the most current information available
*Concise and consistent format helps readers find what they need easily
*Explains how the older body metabolizes drugs differently

Library Journal

Edited by Hochadel (PharmD, BCPS; clinical editor, Gold Standard) and written by a team of contributors that includes other doctors of pharmacy, a consumer advocate, and two Harvard-trained physicians, this full-color guide is no doubt timed to be released in tandem with the Medicare Part D commotion. A preface covers issues ranging from controlling medication risks to saving money on prescriptions to becoming a well-informed drug consumer; also included are an illustrated guide on how to navigate the text and a section on common drug/food/supplement interactions. The main portion of the text is made up of more than 1200 A-to-Z generic drug entries and is indexed by disease/disorder and again by the brand name of the drug. Each entry, which spans one and a half to two pages, is accompanied by a picture of the drug and mini-sections detailing the drug's nature, its proper administration, possible interactions and side effects, and optimal storage as well as questions to ask your doctor and what to do in the event of a missed dose. Bottom Line While the similar Physician's Desk Reference is dense and not necessarily geared toward lay readers, the AARP Guide contains information that can be easily grasped without the help of a doctor or pharmacist. It is a practical, concise, and extremely informative resource that will be of great use to patrons with drug inquiries. Suitable for many types of libraries, including public, medical, patient education, and academic, this guide should be a priority purchase.-Nicole A. Cooke, Montclair State Univ. Lib., NJ Copyright 2006 Reed Business Information.

Read also 101 Beauty Tips or Taking Charge of Your Diabetes

Cuerpo, Mente y Espiritu: Autocuraci?n y crecimiento espiritual

Author: Pamela Welch

Conozca los descubrimientosen el campo de la energía corporal

¿Sabía usted que muchos de los conflictos emocionales y las enfermedades físicas que experimentamos son en realidad mensajes codificados que provienen del alma? En Cuerpo, Mente y Espíritu usted tiene una guía para descifrar estos mensajes.

La conexión del alma con el mundo físico se realiza a través de su propio campo de energía. Usted puede aprender a reestructurar estos patrones de energía para su propio bienestar, crecer interiormente y lograr una mayor conciencia espiritual. Descubra los efectos de la energía planetaria y las iniciaciones en su alma, conozca sus centros de energía (chakras) y trabaje con el poder curativo del amor, la luz y el color.

Aprenda sobre su esencia espiritual mientras resuelve conflictos internos. Recobre la energía perdida y obtenga la sabiduría de su alma para cumplir la meta en su vida.

Author Biography: Pamela Welch, M.A. (Colorado) is a psychotherapist, astrologer, and healer. She holds a Master's degree in Humanistic Psychology, is a certified Gestalt therapist, a hypnotherapist, and a certified massage therapist. She maintains a private psychotherapy, energy healing, and counseling astrology practice in Denver, Colorado.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tomando control de su salud or The Goddess of Happiness

Tomando control de su salud

Author: Virginia Gonzalez

Filled with hundreds of tips, suggestions, and strategies, this guide offers practical medical solutions in clear language. It explains how to develop and maintain exercise and nutrition programs, manage symptoms, determine when to seek medical help, work effectively with doctors, properly use medications and minimize side effects, find community resources, discuss the illness with family and friends, and tailor social activities for particular conditions. Written by six medical professionals, this book encourages an individual approach to the process, with the ultimate goal being greater self-management. Originally based on a five-year study conducted at Stanford University with hundreds of volunteers, this work has grown to include the feedback of medical professionals and thousands of people with chronic conditions all over the world.

Lleno de cientos de consejos, sugerencias y estrategias, esta guía ofrece soluciones médicas prácticas en un lenguaje claro y fácil de entender. Explica como desarrollar y mantener programas de nutrición y ejercicio, manejar síntomas, determinar cuando es necesario pedir ayuda médica, trabajar efectivamente con doctores, encontrar programas comunitarios, discutir la enfermedad con la familia y como adaptar ciertas actividades sociales a diferentes condiciones. Escrito por seis médicos profesionales, este libro respalda una perspectiva individual al proceso—la meta siendo el mejor manejo propio de la salud. Basado originalmente en un estudio de cinco años en la Universidad de Stanford con cientos de voluntarios, esta obra ha crecido a incluir las reacciones de médicos y pacientes alrededor delmundo.

Book review: Basic Marketing Management or Nonprofit Essentials

The Goddess of Happiness: A Down-to-Earth Guide for Heavenly Balance and Bliss

Author: Debbie Gisonni

Most people consider happiness the most important pursuit in life, yet few seem to find it. Women, in particular, face a constant internal battle between finding their own happiness and ensuring the happiness of others. Debbie Gissoni, aka The Goddess of Happiness, shows that happiness is a choice that anyone can make, anytime and anywhere. In 44 dynamic entries the author shares her stories, insights, humor, and simple suggestions to bring out the radiant Goddess in every woman. Each entry includes meditations and journaling ideas to help readers transform the pursuit of happiness into a tangible, everyday practice. Gissoni teaches that all women are goddesses - they just need to tap their innate power and reacquaint themselves with their own magic; and that life is meant to be enjoyable - not to be taken so seriously or made too complicated. Each of these chapters ends with five simple ways to have an easier and happier life.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Low Fat Fast Food Guide or Reflexology Basics

The Low-Fat Fast Food Guide

Author: Jamie Pop

A completely updated edition of the guide that lets you use "McDonald's" and "diet" in the same sentence. Eating in fast-food restaurants seems like a sure way to blow any diet, but it doesn't have to be. You can incorporate a trip to a fast-food or family-style restaurant into a healthy lifestyle, as long as you make sensible and informed choices about what you eat. In this handy guide, the authors of the original, best-selling T-Factor Fat Gram Counter list the nutritional information for some of the nation's most popular fast-food menu items -- the good, the bad, and the ugly -- and come up with recommendations that allow you to have a full, satisfying meal while keeping your daily intake of fat within American Heart Association guidelines. In fact, you may be surprised to see how many low- and moderate-fat meals your favorite restaurants offer. This new edition includes Web site addresses for more than fifty top chains, as well as tips on how to reduce fat and improve nutrition when eating out. Over 300,000 copies sold.

New interesting textbook: When Every Moment Counts or Stealing Democracy

Reflexology Basics

Author: Denise Whichello Brown

Everyone knows the soothing power of a simple foot massage. This feeling of relaxation is enhanced many times over with the science of reflexology. Like mirrors, points on your feet reflect specific organs, joints, and other bodily systems, and applying gentle pressure to these points stimulates the body's ability to heal itself. Press lightly on the base of the big toe, for example, to ease headaches; rotate that same toe to alleviate stiffness in the neck; perform pressure circles on the little toe to relieve bursitis. Whether you target specific problem areas such as ulcers, cystitis, muscle pain, poor skin tone, or digestive disorders, or simply want to promote a general feeling of well-being by cleansing the body of toxins, the benefits of reflexology are almost limitless. Practice the proper techniques and enjoy the healing powers of this simple, totally natural way to restore balance to the body.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ritalin Nation or Private Parts

Ritalin Nation: Rapid-Fire Culture and the Transformation of Human Consciousness

Author: Richard J DeGrandpr

By the year 2000, the USDA predicts that 15 percent—8 million—of our childrenwill be on their way to using Ritalin. In this illuminating investigation of the epidemic of attention deficit disorder (ADD) and its most widely prescribed treatment, the powerful psychostimulant Ritalin, psychologist Richard DeGrandpre sounds a warning: we may well be failing our children by treating symptoms and not causes with a quick-fix and ultimately unsatisfactory solution. Drawing on the latest findings from developmental, psychobiological, and social scientific research, DeGrandpre "criticizes America's obsession with performance and quick satisfaction and the country's reliance on Ritalin [as] a performance-enhancing drug" (Natural Health). He cautions that our society-wide rush to more, and faster, stimulation leaves children especially vulnerable to "sensory addictions." Ritalin Nation exposes the shortsightedness of mere biological explanations of ADD and offers some practical guidelines for cultivating a less-hurried existence and promoting a saner, safer community for our children.

Table of Contents:
The Hurried Society and Its Experience
Great Misadventures in Time
Speed and Its Transformation of Human
Sensory Addictions: How Culture Manufactures
Generation Rx
Deliberate Living: Because Patience Comes to Those Who Wait

Read also Individual Differences and Behavior in Organizations or Entrepreneurship in Micro Enterprises

Private Parts: A Doctor's Guide to the Male Anatomy

Author: Yosh Taguchi

Straight talk for men … and the women who love them
When it comes to the health of their sex organs, even educated, intelligent men become embarrassed and irrational, preferring to ignore a problem in the hope that it will go away and seeking medical advice only as a last resort. Private Parts boldly cuts through the superstition, popular misconception, and general ignorance to provide a reassuring, no-nonsense guide to this area of vital concern to all men.
Dr. Yosh Taguchi, a prominent Montreal urologist, sets out in a straightforward, easy-to-understand manner how the male sex organs function, what is considered normal, and what should be checked out by a doctor. Prostate trouble, erectile dysfunction, infertility, cancer, sexually transmitted diseases, vasectomies, and artificial insemination are some of the common concerns and health issues discussed. Taguchi also dispels myths about sexual performance and male menopause.
In this new, expanded edition Dr. Taguchi also discusses the latest developments in the treatment of the prostate and updates information on drugs for erectile dysfunction.

Author Biography: Dr. Yosh Taguchi is Associate Professor of Surgery (Urology) at McGill University and a senior urologist at Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal. In addition to publishing in scientific journals, he has contributed articles in Geriatrics, Diagnosis, and The Canadian Doctor.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Health or The Age of Melancholy


Author: Mildred Blaxter

This book provides a comprehensive and highly readable introduction to the key debates surrounding the concept of health today. It discusses how health is defined, constructed, experienced and acted out in contemporary developed societies, drawing on a range of empirical data and theoretical approaches from the USA, Britain, France, Germany and other countries. Throughout the text special emphasis is given to the lay perspective to show how people themselves think about and experience health and illness. The author guides students through all the relevant conceptual models of the relationship of health to the structure of society, from inequality in health to the ideas of social capital, the risk society and theories of evolutionary biology. The book concludes with a thought-provoking discussion of the impact of new knowledge and technology on our understanding of health and illness in the contemporary world. Health will be an invaluable textbook for students of medicine and other health professions, as well as those studying sociology, health sciences and health promotion.

Table of Contents:
1How is health defined?4
2How is health constructed?26
3How is health experienced?45
4How is health enacted?71
5How is health related to social systems?91
6Where is the concept of health going in the contemporary world?122

Interesting book: Amministrazione Consumatore-Centrica di categoria: Come aumentare i profitti dirigendo le categorie basate sul consumatore ha bisogno di

The Age of Melancholy: Major Depression and Its Social Origins

Author: Dan G Blazer

Depression has become the most frequently diagnosed chronic mental illness, and is a disability encountered almost daily by mental health professionals of all trades. Major depression is a medical disease, which some would argue has reached epidemic proportions in contemporary society, and it affects our bodies and brains just like any other disease. The Age of Melancholy asks why the incidence of depression has been on such an increase in the last 50 years, if our basic biology hasn't changed as rapidly. To find answers, Dr. Blazer looks at the social forces, cultural and environmental upheavals, and other external, group factors that have undergone significant change. In so doing, the author revives the tenets of social psychiatry, the process of looking at social trends, environmental factors, and correlations among groups in efforts to understand psychiatric disorders.

The biomedical model of psychiatry that has dominated the field for the past half-century has faced minimal scrutiny, due inpart to the apparent advances made in the treatment of mental health issues during that time. But, Dr. Blazer eloquently argues, there is still room for a "new" social psychiatry to complement and complete the model, and he points to two concurrent trends for support: during the same 50-year period that saw the "death of social psychiatry," the rate of occurrence and increasing medicalization of depression as a secluded individual's issue have brought us to the Prozac era. In making the case for the connection of these two trends (both the products themselves of larger social and cultural movements), the author proposes a return of a new, more mature social psychiatry, tocomplete - not replace - the biomedical and clinical research models in place today.

This book is eminently readable, and should appeal to a broader audience than the psychiatrists, clinicians, and researchers who will make up the primary audience. While replete with the standard mental health references, sound research, andauthored by a recognized and respected professional, the ease of language and range of examples make this text accessible to a lay reader. This book should have cross-over appeal in sociology as well as social work and psychology.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Lewy Body Disease a Medical Dictionary Bibliography and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References or Petechiae a Medical Dictionary Bibliography and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

Lewy Body Disease - a Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

Author: Icon Health Publications

This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to Lewy body disease. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to Lewy body disease.If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Studies on Lewy Body Disease
The Combined Health Information Database
Federally Funded Research on Lewy Body Disease
E-Journals: PubMed Central
The National Library of Medicine: PubMed
Chapter 2. Patents on Lewy Body Disease
Patent Applications on Lewy Body Disease
Keeping Current
Chapter 3. Books on Lewy Body Disease
Book Summaries: Federal Agencies
Chapters on Lewy Body Disease
Appendix A. Physician Resources
NIH Guidelines
NIH Databases
Other Commercial Databases
Appendix B. Patient Resources
Patient Guideline Sources
Finding Associations
Appendix C. Finding Medical Libraries
Finding a Local Medical Library
Medical Libraries in the U.S. and Canada
Online Dictionary Directories

Go to: Fundamentals of Fire Phenomena or Democracy as Problem Solving

Petechiae - a Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

Author: Icon Health Publications

This is a 3-in-1 reference book. It gives a complete medical dictionary covering hundreds of terms and expressions relating to petechiae. It also gives extensive lists of bibliographic citations. Finally, it provides information to users on how to update their knowledge using various Internet resources. The book is designed for physicians, medical students preparing for Board examinations, medical researchers, and patients who want to become familiar with research dedicated to petechiae.If your time is valuable, this book is for you. First, you will not waste time searching the Internet while missing a lot of relevant information. Second, the book also saves you time indexing and defining entries. Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

100 Ways to Beat the Blues or Beyond Cholesterol

100 Ways to Beat the Blues

Author: Tanya Tucker

How do you beat the blues?

We all have moments in life when we're down, lonely, or just plain sad. It's part of being human. Just as everyone is different, everyone has a unique way of beating the blues.

For anyone who needs a bit of inspiration, a smile, or a friendly pat on the back, Tanya Tucker and ninety-nine friends offer this heartwarming collection of their personal recipes for beating the blues. President George H.W. Bush yells at the television. Loretta Lynn makes herself a fried bologna sandwich. Sir Arthur C. Clarke explores the infinite universe of fractals. NASCAR's Geoff Bodine cleans the house. Seventy celebrities such as Kris Kristofferson, Wynonna Judd, and Garth Brooks and thirty ordinary folks such as a farmer, a private detective, a doctor, and a retired gospel radio-show host share what lifts their spirits and remind us of all the joy life has to offer.

Table of Contents:


1. The Two-Hour Blues Tanya Tucker

2. The Wrong Motorcycle Blues Roseanne

3. Perking Up the Blues Myrtle Todd

4. Sweeping Away the Blues Geoff Bodine

5. How We Beat the Blues George and Barbara Bush

6. The Finite Blues Sir Arthur C. Clarke

7. On the Road Blues James Gregory

8. An Alternative to the Blues Willie Nelson

9. The Walter Mitty Blues Robert Timmerman

10. The Faces of the Blues Gayle Sayers

11. The Backseat Blues Wesley McNair

12. The Late-Night Blues Loretta Lynn

13. The Broken Heart Blues Ian Duncan

14. Two Words for the Blues Eric Burdon

15. The Army Blues James Gordon Bennett

16. The Front Porch Blues Rodney Ammons

17. The Blues and Richard Harris Eva Juel

18. Giving Away the Blues Morgan Fairchild

19. The Waylon Blues Wendy Rodrigue

20. The Helping Hand Blues Brenda Lee

21. The Dark Side Blues David Prowse

22. Rolling Over the Blues Pat Schroeder

23. Laughter and the Blues Burt Reynolds

24. Blues of the Heart Daniel Wolff

25. The Good Medicine Blues George Stevens Jr.

26. The Positive Side of the Blues Gene Pitney

27. Quinnie's Blues Dinah Johnson

28. The One-Time Blues Rita Coolidge

29. Shane Beats the Blues Tim Sandlin

30. Friends Can Beat the Blues Dr. Michael Obenski

31. Beating the Blues Daily Garth Brooks

32. The Cinematic Blues Dan Lauria

33. How Farmers Beat the Blues Dave Stapleton

34. The Insignificant Blues Joan Jett

35.The Blues and the Fiddle Doug Kershaw

36. The Jurassic Blues Tom Rymour

37. The Jack Daniel's Blues Paul Sylbert

38. The Warm Weather Blues "Weird Al" Yankovic

39. Swinging Away the Blues Jean Atwood

40. The High Altitude Blues Andrew Stevenson

41. The Duet Blues Chad & Jeremy

42. Hugging Away the Blues Gretchen Wilson

43. When Friendly Angels Get the Blues Terri Derington

44. Around the Farm Blues George Jones

45. How to Dodge the Blues Terry Kay

46. Planting the Blues Phil Richardson

47. Country Music Beats the Blues Jerry Orbach

48. Three Steps Ahead of the Blues Donna Fargo

49. The Food Blues Dr. Joyce Brothers

50. The Starting Over Blues Kristina Copkov

51. Organizing the Blues Wynonna Judd

52. How to Beat the Blues in L.A. Stephanie Germain

53. The Mystery of the Blues Thomas Patrick Straw

54. The Creative Blues Tommy James

55. The Broken-Down Bus Blues Gerald Williams

56. Cooking Up the Blues Ty Herndon

57. The Espionage Blues Sherry Sullivan

58. The Healing Blues Jesse Colin Young

59. Jade's Message for the Blues Helen Vroon

60. How Horses Lick the Blues Lynn Anderson

61. Partying Away the Blues Troy Body

62. The Polka Blues Cure Steve Popovich

63. The Other Side of the Blues Judy Henske

64. Riding Out the Blues Nicole McBreairty

65. Dousing the Blues Bobby Braddock

66. The Night Jimmy Smith Lit Up the Blues Porter Fox

67. The Creepy Blues Taylor Dayne

68. The Writing Blues Jeffrey A. Carver

69. The Rainy Blues Delbert McClinton

70. The Sheltering Blues Laura Gilpin

71. The Starry Night Blues John Lappen

72. The Vietnam Blues Shad Meshad

73. Honky-tonk, Muzik, and the Blues Big & Rich

74. The Yorkshire Blues Chris Simpson

75. The Lawn Mower Blues Little Richard

76. The Map-Crease Blues David Logan

77. The Unbeatable Blues Kris Kristofferson

78. Dissecting the Blues Paul Gahlinger

79. The Friendly Blues Billy Bob Thornton

80. Fly-Fishing Through the Blues Macye Lavinder Maher

81. Outriding/Outplaying the Blues Bret Michaels

82. The Ageless Blues Patsi Bale Cox

83. The Texas Hold 'Em Blues Daniel Negreanu

84. The Sunday Blues Cathie Pelletier

85. Outjumping the Blues Charles Barkley

86. The Swamp Blues Carl Hileman

87. Blues for Sale Robert Westwood

88. The Blues Is the Blues Jerry Lee Lewis

89. The Unemployed Blues Jay Heckman

90. The Sidecar Blues Wally Lamb

91. The Scam Letter Blues Brad Christensen

92. The Boring Blues Kinky Friedman

93. The Four-Legged Rescue Blues Nancy Parker Simons

94. The Positive Blues Rocky Blier

95. Aldo and the Blues Hal Kant

96. Burning Down the Blues Blake Shelton

97. The Blue Heaven Blues José Eber

98. Escaping the Blues Ray "Boom Boom" MancinI

99. The Corner of Joy and Peace Blues Tammy Faye Messner

100. The Tucker Children Beat the Blues

Look this: Elementos necesarios de Finanzas de Bienes inmuebles

Beyond Cholesterol: 7 Life-Saving Heart Disease Tests That Your Doctor May Not Give You

Author: Julius Torelli

The latest scientific research has revealed that cholesterol levels are not the definitive indicator of heart disease risk.  In fact, there are six new lab tests and a CT scan that can reveal much about the state of your heart and cardiovascular system. Dr. Torelli explains what the tests are, what they reveal, and how to get them. He also includes information on women’s heart health, and dietary and lifestyle factors that impact cardiovascular disease.

Beyond Cholesterol includes information on:
*C-Reactive Protein
*Fasting Insulin
*Calcium Heart Scan

Cholesterol tests are valuable but they don’t tell the whole story. This book explains how to get the most important information needed to determine how healthy your heart is and to stop heart disease in its tracks.

Library Journal

By now, everyone concerned with heart health knows to pay attention to his or her blood cholesterol levels. But recent research indicates that cholesterol levels alone are not the best predictors of heart disease-a host of other factors play a part in its development. Cardiologist Torelli (Integrative Cardiology Ctr., High Point, NC) is well positioned to explain this research and its implications for lay readers. After a clear, concise overview of heart disease, the author discusses seven other tests that provide information about one's heart health: C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, homocysteine, fasting insulin, ferritin, lipoprotein(a), and a calcium heart scan. He discusses who should take these tests, any controversies about their validity, and what medications or lifestyle changes one should consider based on the results. A glossary, bibliography, and list of useful web sites are included. As one of the few books to focus solely on additional predictors of heart health, this is highly recommended for public and consumer health libraries.-Eris Weaver, Cotati, CA Copyright 2005 Reed Business Information.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Hormone Replacement Therapy for Menopausal Women or Cancer Monologue Project

Hormone Replacement Therapy for Menopausal Women: A Clinical Appraisal

Author: J Picton Thomas

Increase in life expectancy and awareness of the benefits of hormone therapy have increased the demand for hormone replacement therapy, yet the number of women in the UK receiving treatment are low in comparison with those in the USA and other European countries. Many doctors may be reluctant to prescribe hormone therapy as they do not appreciate that the benefits of treatment outweigh the possible risks.
Hormone Replacement Therapy for Menopausal Women explores various aspects of hormone therapy. The relevant physiology is outlined and the major issues in HRT, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and osteoporosis, are also addressed. Easily readable and with a well-balanced view, this book will be helpful to junior doctors, general practitioners, and specialists alike.

New interesting textbook: We the People or Lawyers of the Right

Cancer Monologue Project

Author: Tanya Taylor

The Cancer Monologue Project is a collection of thirty monologues developed in workshops in which people affected by cancer are invited to write and perform their stories about living with the disease.

Table of Contents:
Cancer and Other Travels7
A Passenger19
The Deepest Surrender29
Kathleen and a Nectarine, Both in the Image of God35
Sisters, Face to Face45
In the Beginning49

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Feisty Womans Breast Cancer Book or Trust Your Body Trust Your Baby

Feisty Woman's Breast Cancer Book

Author: Elaine Ratner

Breaking down the taboos associated with breast cancer and its treatment, Ratner offers women hope that they can survive and come out whole. She also shares 18 insights gleaned from her own experience with breast cancer. Published to coincide with Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Publishers Weekly

A woman with an immensely positive attitude, Ratner, a Berkeley, Calif.-based editor and writer, offers this guide to the psychological and emotional aspects of breast cancer. Ratner describes her own encounter with the disease in 1995, when, at age 51, she found two lumps that were later diagnosed as malignant. The experience led her to challenge prevailing myths about breasts and women's self-image, and to assert her right to make decisions about her own body. She urges women to take time to learn about their treatment options, to find a doctor they can trust, to have confidence in their own decisions--and to expect a good outcome. She especially counsels sharing thoughts and feelings with family, friends and even one's children. Her own experience was indeed a positive one: four years after cancer, she is healthy and happy, and she reminds women that the great majority of those with breast cancer will, like her, recover. Never saccharine, and often adamant (she argues that women shouldn't let doctors convince them to have breast reconstruction on grounds that they would be incomplete without it), Ratner delivers an upbeat message about assertiveness, strength and positive thinking. (Oct.) Copyright 1999 Cahners Business Information.

Library Journal

Ratner, a freelance author who battled breast cancer several years ago, here offers a new and controversial approach to the disease. Recovery, she argues, requires a positive outlook. She describes how to foster a post-diagnosis zest for life and stresses the importance of the mind-body connection. Ratner's opinions are sometimes controversial: "A breast," she writes, explaining her decision to forgo breast reconstruction after her mastectomy, "is completely expendable." But she also writes eloquently about her fear of the side effects of radiation, chemotherapy, and the drug Tamoxifen and her decision to refuse these traditional treatments (a decision that worked for her but might not be right for all breast cancer patients). While not taking the place of standard breast cancer treatment guides, this book does offer breast cancer survivors information about enhancing their emotional health--after a treatment decision has been made. Recommended for public libraries only.--Cynthia A. Nuhn, Eckerd Coll. Lib., St. Petersburg, FL Copyright 1999 Cahners Business Information.

Read also L'introduction à la Loi de Propriété immobilière :un Fond Historique du Droit coutumier de Propriété immobilière et de Son Application Moderne

Trust Your Body! Trust Your Baby!: Childbirth Wisdom and Cesarean Prevention

Author: Andrea Frank Henkart

Includes a chapter by Dr. John Gray, author of the best-selling, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus." Henkart and her collaborators inform women about the current realities of childbirth in America. They provide the reader with facts, figures, cesarean prevention techniques, and alternative approaches to the aggressive routines used by the medical profession today. The technology that "saves" many mothers and babies in childbirth is the same technology that robs many women of their right to birth naturally. Consequently, of the one million cesarean sections that will be performed in America next year, over half will be unnecessary. Women deserve to be informed about the realities of childbirth. They deserve to be encouraged to take responsibility for themselves and to trust the miracle of birth. It is through their conscious, educated choices that our children will be allowed a peaceful and natural beginning in life.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Jeffreys Journey or Hot Guide to Safer Sex

Jeffrey's Journey: Healing a Child's Violent Rages


From birth, it was clear that Jeffrey was not a typical child. By age three he exhibited such severe behavioral problems he was considered a danger to other children. No daycare would take him, and doctors were more stymied than helpful about his extreme aggressiveness and compulsiveness. Threatened with institutionalization for her six-year-old son, Debbie Jeffries resorted to an unusual therapy: marijuana. A conservative Christian, she had no experience with the drug, but extensive research convinced her this might be her last hope.

Jeffrey's Journey powerfully describes the desperate journey of a family toward a semblance of normalcy, including the court battle defending Jeffrey's right to this unconventional treatment, the family's media exposure and the threat to Jeffrey's ongoing care by federal raids on California's medical marijuana dispensaries.

Interesting textbook: The Absolute Beginners Guide to Internet Wealth or Google SketchUp For Dummies

Hot Guide to Safer Sex

Author: Yvonne Fulbright

The Hot Guide to Safer Sex is an entertaining and down-to-earth approach to making sex both safer and steamier for you and your partner.

With AIDS and STDs reaching epidemic proportions, practicing safer sex is becoming increasingly important-yet less than half of young adults use protection consistently during sexual intercourse. Stigmatized as "unsexy," safer sex and erotic romps are considered mutually exclusive.

Enter Yvonne Fulbright, New York University Sexuality instructor and bonafide "sexpert." Fulbright tackles the subject in a thorough, Generation Y-friendly book that includes quotes and stories from the author's extensive circle of friends as well as insightful tips on making safer sex passionate. Written in a hip, lighthearted tone, the book is packed with accurate information and the latest sex research findings.

Library Journal

This comprehensive guide for younger heterosexual singles packages cautionary details with charming enthusiasm. Fulbright, a doctoral student in international community health with a master's in human sexuality, begins with sexual anatomy, response, and orgasm basics, proceeds to masturbation and fantasy, and follows with a chapter on relationships. Then, temporarily postponing the "good stuff," she segues into STDs, AIDS/HIV, contraception, and safer sex. Eventually come intercourse positions, oral sex, and manual stimulation, plus less common topics: talking dirty, phone sex, interfemoral and gluteal sex, G-spots and multiple orgasms in both sexes, sex toys, and the PC muscle. Two final chapters warn against drugs and alcohol. Also included are informative illustrations and sensuous photos. The book is light on resources, providing mainly web sites and 800 numbers, and sources for research quoted are not given-not a major flaw for this audience. Other, broader manuals appealing to the same group include Sari Locker's The Complete Idiot's Guide to Amazing Sex and Paul Joannides's Guide to Getting It On! Recommended for public libraries with a large singles clientele.-Martha Cornog, Philadelphia Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Care of the Difficult Patient or Practical Ayurveda

Care of the Difficult Patient

Author: Peter J Manos

A stay in hospital is a traumatic experience for most patients; however, some patients may be more difficult than others to care for, because of mental distress and ill health, historic substance abuse, demanding family members or abusive behavior, for example. "Difficult" patients place extra demands on nurses professionally and personally. Developing the skills required to deal with difficult patients is therefore vital to the smooth running of any hospital ward.

New interesting book: Microsoft Windows Vista Help Desk or Pro ADONET Data Services

Practical Ayurveda: Secrets for Physical, Sexual and Spiritual Health

Author: Atreya

Practical Ayurveda shows how Ayurveda, the traditional natural healing system of India, can correct ordinary ailments with changes in diet and exercise. Atreya writes with humor and compassion, and uses everyday language to explain why Ayurveda (with an emphasis on Prana) is the best overall method to promote health and long life. He clarifies the spiritual principles behind Ayurveda, and provides a broader and more flexible perspective on this ancient healing system than is usually given. He discusses the advantages of using a constitutional system of medicine whereby you are diagnosed and treated as an individual instead of being considered just an ailing patient. A constitutional test is included for determining your own ayurvedic humors. Atreya also gives a straightforward approach to the health benefits of good sexual relationships. Some ayurvedic teachers promote abstinence; however, Atreya shows that our mental attitude towards sex is more important than abstinence. He presents important insights for both women and men, so that we can, regardless of our sexual orientation, maintain a healthy balance. This is an excellent reference guide that includes special diets and cures for dozens of ailments.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Advanced Nutritional Therapies or Curanderismo

Advanced Nutritional Therapies

Author: Kenneth H Cooper

Following the enormous success of his Antioxidant Revolution, Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper now provides the ultimate "nutrimedicine" program for lifelong health. Advanced Nutritional Therapies carefully and clearly explains how anyone can untangle and understand the barrage of information on how to safely combine foods, vitamin and mineral supplements, and other nutrients to prevent and even heal a wide variety of diseases and health complaints.

Books about: Girl in a Fix or Yoga Games for Children

Curanderismo: Mexican American Folk Healing

Author: Robert T Trotter

The practice of curanderismo or Mexican American folk medicine is part of a historically and culturally important health care system deeply rooted in native Mexican healing techniques. This is the first book to describe the practice from an insider's point of view, based on the authors' three-year apprenticeships with curanderos (healers). An indispensable resource. 11 photos. 224 pp.

Table of Contents:
1Curanderismo: Past and Present Viewpoints1
2The History of Curanderismo25
3The Cultural Context of Illness41
4Curanderos' Theories of Healing61
5The Material Level73
6The Spiritual Level102
7The Mental Level149
8The Future of Curanderismo162

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Freedom from Headaches or Breaking the Antibiotic Habit

Freedom from Headaches: A Personal Guide for Understanding and Treating Headache, Face, and Neck Pain

Author: Joel R Saper

Headache pain is unlike any other pain; when your head throbs, your entire body suffer. An estimated 20 to 40 million people in the United States are victims of chronic, recurring headaches. Here is a book written for those who desperately seek an understanding of their distressing condition and condition and who want down-to-earth, realistic advice and specific suggestions for finding relief from headache pain.

Book review: Trabajo Difícil:Definición de Exigencias de Interpretación de Trabajo Físicas

Breaking the Antibiotic Habit: A Parent's Guide to Coughs, Colds, Ear Infections, and Sore Throats

Author: Paul A Offit

Protect your child. Leading pediatric experts answer all your questions about reducing the risks of antibiotic overuse. "An important book for parents…the best source I have seen about the dangers of antibiotic resistance and the risks of antibiotic overuse." —Scott Dowell, M.D., M.P.H. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention "Finally, a book that discusses the problem of antibiotic overuse in a readable way, combining daily experiences in pediatric practice with scientific explanations." —S. Michael Marcy, M.D., American Academy of Pediatrics If your child has a cough, cold, ear infection, or sore throat, will antibiotics help? The answer may surprise you. Overuse of antibiotics has led to antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria, or "superbugs." Antibiotics are increasingly ineffective because they are often prescribed inappropriately to treat viral infections, such as colds, bronchitis, and sore throats. Natural supplements may offer more relief. Clearly organized and packed with vital information, Breaking the Antibiotic Habit covers all the key issues, including:

  • Distinguishing between strep throat and sore throat, sinus infection and the common cold, pneumonia and bronchitis, and ear infections and ear fluids
  • Helping children with viral infections feel better—without antibiotics
  • Getting the most from over-the-counter remedies and natural supplements—which are best for specific symptoms, and which to avoid altogether

Table of Contents:
Deadly Diseases Caused by Bacteria That Resist Antibiotics.
The Miracle of Antibiotics.
Bacteria Fight Back.
How Antibiotic Overuse Is Destroying the Miracle.
Distinguishing Bacterial from Viral Infections.
Ear Infection or Ear Fluid?
Strep Throat or Sore Throat?
Sinus Infection or the Common Cold?
Pneumonia or Bronchitis?
How to Help Children with Viral Infections Feel Better.
What Antibiotics Can and Can't Do.
A Word to Doctors.
Summing Up.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Anchoring Your Well Being Christian Wholeness in a Fractured World or Fourteen Friends Guide to Eldercaring

Anchoring Your Well Being: Christian Wholeness in a Fractured World

Author: Howard John Clinebell

"Anchoring Your Well Being" offers suggestions for leading a more healthy life in seven dimensions: spirituality, physique, mental health, relationships, work and play, environmental, and crises and loss. Biblical text provides guidance and a basis for holistic health. 192 pp.

Interesting book: Beratung des Prozesses in der Handlung

Fourteen Friends' Guide to Eldercaring: Practical Advice, Inspiration, Shared Experiences, Space for Your Thoughts

Author: Fourteen Friends

The Fourteen Friends who wrote this book have maintained and cherished each other's friendship since high school days in Arlington, Virginia. They include a neurologist, a psychiatric nurse practitioner, a drug and alcohol counselor, teachers, and small business owners. Over the years, their conversation and concerns have progressed from boyfriends, husbands, children and careers to caring for their aging parents. As in the past, they continue to share advice and information along with laughter and tears.

Now, in this very readable guide, they share personal anecdotes and solutions to difficult situations faced in their own caregiving experiences with loved ones. Each chapter covers a wealth of information and gives helpful tips and resources garnered from their work and research.

Knowing how important it is for a caregiver to reflect and plan, this interactive guide provides you with ample space for observations on a loved one's condition, vital emergency information, appointments, and your own ideas.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Memory Fitness or Get Your Body Back

Memory Fitness

Author: Gilles O Einstein

Do all adults experience memory difficulties as they age? What is the difference between normal memory change and the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease? Is it possible to stem-or even reverse-memory decline? This timely book is a comprehensive guide for the growing number of adults who are eager to learn how aging affects memory and what can or cannot be done about it. Gilles Einstein and Mark McDaniel, widely respected for their research and lectures on memory, explain how memory works and how memory processes change with age. Based on up-to-date and rigorous scientific evidence, they also offerЁ techniques and strategies for improving memory in everyday life Ё alternatives to hard-to-use mnemonic techniques Ё physical and mental exercises that can enhance memory Ё a review of drugs and nutritional supplements touted to enhance memory Ё a complete discussion of Alzheimer's disease, its symptoms and risk factors, along with guidance for caretakers Ё and much more.

Book review: 101 Reflections on Tai Chi Chuan or The Rough Guide to Running

Get Your Body Back: Lose Weight, Gain Energy, and Get Fit After Having Your Baby

Author: Anita Weil Bell

It's easier than you think!

If you're a new mom, you're probably still carrying around extra "baby weight." Since you're constantly having to juggle everything, the last thing you need is more work and more stress, which is what many diet plans feel like. You're also likely to face a number of new challenges: stress, lack of sleep, depression, and finding time for yourself. Well, you're not alone...and now you're not unarmed. Drawing from her own personal experiences, Anita Weil Bell designed this uncomplicated, easy-to-follow, three-month program with these challenges in mind.

Features of the plan:

· The HELP Menu: Healthy Eating Light Plan for moms...and you'll lose weight and feel good
· The Workable Workout: Special exercises and workouts that you can do with your baby, anytime and anywhere
· Mommy Care: Tips and warm suggestions for self-pampering and relieving stress

Simple shopping lists, nutritious meal plans, and delicious recipes are also included here, making it easy for you to Get Your Body Back-and keep it!