Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tomando control de su salud or The Goddess of Happiness

Tomando control de su salud

Author: Virginia Gonzalez

Filled with hundreds of tips, suggestions, and strategies, this guide offers practical medical solutions in clear language. It explains how to develop and maintain exercise and nutrition programs, manage symptoms, determine when to seek medical help, work effectively with doctors, properly use medications and minimize side effects, find community resources, discuss the illness with family and friends, and tailor social activities for particular conditions. Written by six medical professionals, this book encourages an individual approach to the process, with the ultimate goal being greater self-management. Originally based on a five-year study conducted at Stanford University with hundreds of volunteers, this work has grown to include the feedback of medical professionals and thousands of people with chronic conditions all over the world.

Lleno de cientos de consejos, sugerencias y estrategias, esta guía ofrece soluciones médicas prácticas en un lenguaje claro y fácil de entender. Explica como desarrollar y mantener programas de nutrición y ejercicio, manejar síntomas, determinar cuando es necesario pedir ayuda médica, trabajar efectivamente con doctores, encontrar programas comunitarios, discutir la enfermedad con la familia y como adaptar ciertas actividades sociales a diferentes condiciones. Escrito por seis médicos profesionales, este libro respalda una perspectiva individual al proceso—la meta siendo el mejor manejo propio de la salud. Basado originalmente en un estudio de cinco años en la Universidad de Stanford con cientos de voluntarios, esta obra ha crecido a incluir las reacciones de médicos y pacientes alrededor delmundo.

Book review: Basic Marketing Management or Nonprofit Essentials

The Goddess of Happiness: A Down-to-Earth Guide for Heavenly Balance and Bliss

Author: Debbie Gisonni

Most people consider happiness the most important pursuit in life, yet few seem to find it. Women, in particular, face a constant internal battle between finding their own happiness and ensuring the happiness of others. Debbie Gissoni, aka The Goddess of Happiness, shows that happiness is a choice that anyone can make, anytime and anywhere. In 44 dynamic entries the author shares her stories, insights, humor, and simple suggestions to bring out the radiant Goddess in every woman. Each entry includes meditations and journaling ideas to help readers transform the pursuit of happiness into a tangible, everyday practice. Gissoni teaches that all women are goddesses - they just need to tap their innate power and reacquaint themselves with their own magic; and that life is meant to be enjoyable - not to be taken so seriously or made too complicated. Each of these chapters ends with five simple ways to have an easier and happier life.

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