Saturday, January 3, 2009

Obstetrics Gynecology in Chinese Medicine or 101 Tips for Coping with Diabetes

Obstetrics & Gynecology in Chinese Medicine

Author: Giovanni Maciocia

Written by Giovanni Maciocia, probably the most respected Western TCM practitioner and author of TCM texts, this is the most comprehensive test of its kind in the English language. It covers the principles of diseases related to obstetrics and gynecology in TCM and offers a full, clear and detailed exploration of this area. The text adapts Traditional Chinese gynecology to Western conditions and patients, reflected in over 100 case histories.

Table of Contents:

SECTION 1 PHYSIOLOGY and PATHOLOGY: History of Gynecology in Chinese Medicine. Women's Physiology. Women's Pathology SECTION 2 AETIOLOGY and DIAGNOSIS: Aetiology. Diagnosis SECTION 3 METHODS of TREATMENT: Principles and Methods of Treatment. Treatment of the Extraordinary Vessels SECTION 4 MENSTRUAL IRREGULARITIES: Early Periods. Late Periods. Irregular Periods. Heavy Periods. Scanty Periods. Long Periods. Painful Periods. Bleeding Between Periods. No Periods. Flooding and Trickling. Pre-Menstrual Syndrome SECTION 5 PROBLEMS at PERIOD TIME: Pre-Menstrual Breast Distension. Headaches. Oedema at Period Time. Diarrhoea. Body Aches. Fever at Period Time. Epistaxis or Haemoptysis. Mouth Ulcers. Skin Eruptions. Dizziness at Period Time SECTION 6 DISEASES of PREGNANCY: Morning Sickness. Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy. Threatened Miscarriage. Fetus Not Growing. Oedema in Pregnancy. Anxiety. Dizziness in Pregnancy. Convulsions in Pregnancy. Feeling of Suffocation. Aphonia. Cough. Painful-Urination Syndrome. Retention of Urine. Constipation During Pregnancy. Habitual Miscarriage. Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment in Midwifery SECTION 7 DISEASES AFTER CHILDBIRTH: Post-Natal Depression. Abdominal Pain After Childbirth. Persistent Lochial Discharge (Retention of Lochia). Urinary Difficulty. Sweating. Constipation and Haemorrhoids After Childbirth. Fever After Childbirth. Joint Pain. Breast Milk Not Flowing (Including Acute Mastitis). Spontaneous Flow of Milk. Collapse. Convulsions After Childbirth SECTION 8 MISCELLANEOUS DISEASES: Infertility. Menopausal Syndrome. Breast Lumps. Abdominal Masses: Ovarian Cysts, Polycystic Ovary Disease, CervicalDysplasia. Excessive Vaginal Discharge. Vaginal Itching: Trichomonas and Candida Infecions, Genital Eczema. Prolapse of the Uterus. Vulval Sores APPENDIX 1: Prescriptions APPENDIX II: Patent Remedies Glossary of Chinese Terms Bibliography

Books about: Raw Deal or Internet for the Retail Travel Industry

101 Tips for Coping with Diabetes

Author: Richard L Rubin

Effective advice to live well with diabetes

The stress of living with a chronic disease can actually cause out-of-control blood sugar levels and prevent people from living a healthy lifestyle. The newest installment in the American Diabetes Association's 101 Tips series helps readers succeed with their diabetes using the quick, easy-to-read Q&A format that appeals to all types of readers.

101 Tips for Coping with Diabetes takes a new and improved approach to dealing with diabetes, steering readers clear of dangerous "coping" habits such as drinking, smoking, or eating too much. It also offers tips for increasing diabetes knowledge, building self-care, developing emotional coping skills, and more.

Richard Rubin, Ph.D., C.D.E. is associate professor of medicine and pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Pediatrics.

Gary Arsham, M.D., Ph.D. is a physician/educator specializing in patient education and health behavior and has had diabetes for more than 40 years.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this is so insightful! Chinese medicine has been around forever and I wasn't even aware that it could help diabetes too. Where can I find more about obstetrics in regards with Chinese medicine?
