Sunday, January 11, 2009

Secret Life of Water or The Spiritual Self

Secret Life of Water

Author: Masaru Emoto

A small adventure beginning with a tiny little water crystal has spread to people all over the world, creating a growing movement. Hearts have been opened, and love, gratitude, and a hope for peace have spilled out, opening the way for a new adventure.

From its arrival on earth to the vast areas it traverses before emptying into the sea, water holds all the knowledge and experience it has acquired. As phenomenal as it may seem, water carries its whole history, just as we carry ours. It carries secrets, too.

In The Secret Life of Water, bestselling author Masaru Emoto guides us along water's remarkable journey through our planet and continues his work to reveal water's secret life to humankind. He shows how we can apply its wisdom to our own lives, and how, by learning to respect and appreciate water, we can better confront the challenges that face the twenty-first century -- and rejuvenate the planet.

Water has a memory and carries within it our thoughts and prayers. As you yourself are water, no matter where you are, your prayers will be carried to the rest of the world.

Interesting book: Strategic Marketing Planning or The Market Meets Its Match

The Spiritual Self: Reflections on Recovery and God

Author: Abraham J Twerski

Much is made of spirituality these days-in recovery and in the culture at large-but what, exactly, does spirituality mean? Is it something different to different people? How is it discovered, nurtured, expressed? And, perhaps most important, why does it matter? To the thicket of questions surrounding the subject, this book brings a clear vision and a thoughtful approach that will help us find our way to the very heart of spirituality. Writing simply and directly, Abraham Twerski shows how spirituality-independent of religion-is central to emotional and mental health, and is a key to being truly and profoundly human.

Founder and medical director of the Gateway Rehabilitation Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Abraham J. Twerski is a rabbi, psychiatrist, chemical dependency counselor, and the author of many books, including Addictive Thinking: Understanding Self-Deception.

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